Working since 1990

About California Disaster Advocates


We’ll get you more money!

Insurance protects you from disaster by selling you “peace of mind.” But whenever a disaster strikes, they’re trying to cut deals that keep their business profitable. To get what you deserve, you need to play their game.

That’s where we come in.

As claim advocates in California, we work with fire victims to submit the proper documentation and negotiate a payment that works for you. Our fee comes out of the extra money we negotiate for you. If we get you nothing, you pay us nothing.

Company History

Since 1990, Victor Romero has been earning fire victims bigger insurance claim payments. He is licensed by the California Department of Insurance to look after the interest of the families forced to file claims with their insurance company.  Victor Romero has been working in California’s insurance industry for 30 years. He is a  construction, inventory and insurance policy expert who specializes in fire damage. Victor has helped hundreds of clients increase their insurance settlements.  And now he wants to help you.

Claim Advocates California

Victor Romero